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Common Question Answered: Why Do My Dry Eyes Get Worse in the Winter?

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Winter can be tough on your eyes, especially if you normally suffer from dry eye syndrome. The cold, dry air outside and heated indoor environments create the perfect storm for worsening symptoms like itchiness, redness, and irritation. But why does winter have such an impact on dry eyes, and what can you do about it?

Dry winter air has lower humidity, which means your tears evaporate more quickly, leaving your eyes feeling “parched”. Indoors, heating systems make the air even drier, further worsening the problem. Windy conditions can also strip away the protective tear film from the surface of your eyes, increasing discomfort.

At-Home Dry Eye Remedies

Thankfully, there are many at-home remedies to help alleviate winter dry eyes. Using a humidifier can add much-needed moisture to the air in your home, while warm compresses can help stimulate oil production in your tear glands, improving tear quality. Artificial tears and eye drops are also a simple, effective way to keep your eyes hydrated throughout the day. Furthermore, we recommend taking Omega-3 fatty acid supplements, to help alleviate dry eyes by reducing inflammation and improving the quality of tears, enhancing eye lubrication.

Remember to also take regular breaks from screens, as prolonged focus can reduce your blink rate, worsening symptoms. The holidays are the perfect time to do this as we spend more time with family and away from screens! 

How We Can Help

For more persistent or severe cases, professional treatment is necessary. Waterdown Optometric offers advanced solutions tailored to your needs, such as prescription eye drops, punctal plugs to reduce tear drainage, and IPL therapy for meibomian gland dysfunction. Radiofrequency treatment is also a fantastic treatment option, as it uses targeted heat to stimulate the meibomian glands, improving oil production and preventing tear evaporation.

Book Your Eye Exam!

If you’re struggling with dry eye symptoms this winter, don’t wait for them to get worse. Schedule an appointment at Waterdown Optometric Clinic and let us help you find relief. Your eyes will thank you!

Written by Dr. Lyndsey Kay

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