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The Relationship between Skincare and Eyecare

Are you among those who recognize the importance of skincare but may not fully appreciate its interconnectedness with eye care? The delicate skin around our eyes demands specialized attention, and neglecting this vital area can impact appearance and eye health. In our quest for comprehensive well-being, considering the correlation between skincare and eyecare becomes paramount. […]

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Innovative Approach to AMD: Exploring the MacuMira Device

Waterdown Optometric is thrilled to announce the arrival of MacuMira. A groundbreaking treatment device designed to combat dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD) this cutting-edge technology, which delivers patented microcurrent therapy to the retina, promises to enhance retinal health and slow the progression of AMD. The introduction of MacuMira to our clinic marks a significant advancement […]

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Dry eye syndrome 101

Several years ago the doctors at the Waterdown Optometric Clinic (WOC) decided that we wanted to broaden our treatment options for patients with dry eye disease (DED). We were seeing more and more patients with problems related to DED every month and, more alarmingly, we were seeing signs and symptoms in progressively younger patients.  Life […]

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The end of an era

It is said that the only constant in life is change. 2019 saw the exterior of the Waterdown Optometric Clinic (WOC) undergo a stunning renovation. There were more dramatic changes brewing at the clinic in 2020 even before the Covid-19 crisis hit. Dr. Derrick Thornborrow, who founded the practice almost 40 years ago, officially retired […]

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